Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where has the time gone? It is almost November and time is flying by. I am finishing up my last semester of school and honestly, I just want to be done already. I am ready to just have a job, craft, cook yummy food for my amazing husband and blog my life away. I know, I know, that is probably not how life will be, but it sure would be nice.

Jordan has been very busy with his internship, if you know coach Condra then you know he is quite the slave driver. I am so glad that God has given Jordan the opportunity to learn the ups and downs of coaching from such a kind and Godly man. The Lord is so very faithful. I am also impressed with how much time Jordan has been putting into keeping his skills up with bball. He is ready to bring his A game for alumni game! lol! I am so proud of the man he is becoming and it is such an honor to watch him daily grow and strive to live a life that is glorifying to God.

I have had a rough week this week, but today has been an expectational day. My sweet friend Jodie gerling brought me panera and it was awesome. We got to chat and laugh and just see into one an other's heart more. I also had a wonderful meal with a parent from GBC and I was so blessed by her kind words and loving encouragement. I then had a little pick me up with my sweet Bobbin'. She is so dear to me and I value our time so very much. I am looking forward to the evening with Jordan, we are going to have a late dinner together and watch a red box, if time allows us to do so. As you can see, we Strom's do not miss out on much.

I am terribly sorry that I have slacked in the recipe of the week, but this past week we wanted some quesadilla's so, not having a maker I tried it on the stove, it was awesome! They were so tasty and I did not follow a recipe! Thanks to the big man upstairs for blessing me with some basic cooking knowledge!

We are eager to discover what God has in store for us next! Please pray that we would be faithful to his will and that we would grow in his everlasting love.

In Christian Love,

The Newly Stroms

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